When it comes to the biggest investment that you will ever make don't leave the condition of that investment to chance.
A pre-purchase inspection is performed when you have located a home that you want to buy and usually after the seller has accepted a purchase contract. This inspection will tell you the condition of the home and the areas that need to be repaired before closing. The items in the inspection report can be presented to the seller to have the items repaired before closing.
A new construction inspection is performed on a newly built home about one-two weeks before closing, so the builder can repair any items that need to be addressed before close.
A pre-listing inspection is performed on your home before being placed on the market to learn its condition. This will allow you time to have the items repaired or get quotes on the repairs before the buyer performs their inspection. It also prevents unpleasant surprises by the possibility of costly repairs by the buyer’s inspection.
Offering Property Inspections & Testing Services, NC-SC
Licensed in North Carolina and South Carolina
Residential Home Inspection: A primarily visual inspection of the major systems of the home with a report provided covering all systems or components that were not safe or functioning as intended. Price starting at $370.
R.E.C. Inspection: Roof, Exterior, and Crawlspace. Great maintenance inspection option for those who want to protect the biggest investment of their life. Routine home pulse check can catch issues before they become bigger more costly repairs. Inspection of the roof, exterior, slab foundation, basement foundation from the outside of the home and the crawlspace from inside. Price starting at only $195.
Radon Measurement: National Certified Measurement provider.
- Radon in Air; Minimum 48 hour measurement done using a continuous Radon monitor or charcoal canister, with report provided.
- Radon in Water Measurement done by water sampling, with provided report.
Commercial Inspection: A primarily visual inspection of the major systems of a commercial property with provided report.
Construction Phase/Pre-Drywall: Inspect of a newly constructed home, post pour, and pre-drywall with a provided report.
Well Inspection: Well flow/performance test and visual inspection of the well components.
Well Water Testing:
- FHA Testing includes: Nitrites, Nitrates, Bacteria, and Lead
- Bacteria Testing Includes: Coliform Bacteria only
- Arsenic Testing can be added to either FHA or Bacteria Tests
Re-Inspection: Inspection of deficiencies from the original Mecklenburg Inspections residential inspection report to confirm if repairs have been properly completed. It usually takes place shortly after the initial full residential inspection and before closing.
Follow Up Inspection: Know and protect your investment! A full residential inspection of your property approximately one year after the initial inspection and only 60% of the inspection fee. Excellent procedure before your new home’s one year walkthrough, before the builder warranty expires, or if you just want keep informed of the condition of you investment.
Dock Inspection: Inspection of a private dock to ensure the structure is safe and able to with stand the elements. Report provided.
Additional Services Contracted through licensed/qualified providers
Termite Inspection: Inspection of the home for wood destroying insects with a provided report.
Septic Testing Inspection: Inspection with provided report.
Pool/spa inspection: Pool/spa inspection with provided report.

Sample Home Inspection Report
Your sample inspection report has been completed and is now available online. Please click on the link below to view a copy of the report. |
The North Carolina Home Inspector Licensure Board Standards of Practice.
The South Carolina Residential Builders Commission uses the American Society of Home Inspectors' SOP.

About Radon
Radon from soil is the main cause of radon problems. Sometimes radon enters the home through well water. In a small number of homes, the building materials can give off radon, too.
Radon is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas caused by decaying uranium. It is in the ground just about everywhere and enters the home through the cracks in the ground and foundation. When you breathe air containing radon, you increase the risk of getting lung cancer. The Surgeon General of the United States has warned that radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.
The only way to know the radon levels in a home is to test. The EPA and Surgeon General recommend trying all homes below the third level for radon. Any home can have a radon problem. This means older homes and new homes, well-sealed and drafty homes, as well as homes with basements or those without basements. Do not rely on radon test results that have been taken in other homes in your neighborhood. Homes that are next to each other can have different radon levels.
If Your Home Has Not Yet Been Tested For Radon: Have a test taken as soon as possible. The radon test result is important information about your home's radon level. When hiring a contractor to test your residence, protect yourself by hiring a qualified company. Many states require radon professionals to be licensed, certified, or registered. North Carolina does not require testers to be certified. However, without formal training and continuing education, you cannot be sure that the tester is following the EPA protocols and that the results from measurement are accurate. Mecklenburg Inspections, Inc. is a certified Residential Measurement Provider with the National Environmental Health Association and National Radon Proficiency Program. Our inspectors are Certified Radon Measurement Providers, using CR 1028 continuous radon monitors and charcoal canisters. We use the continuous monitors as a first choice but do have charcoal canisters as a backup depending on the conditions.
Our monitors are calibrated every year by the manufacturer. Each inspector takes 16 hours of continuing education classes, certification on the equipment, and competency testing by a third-party entity. Mecklenburg Inspections is also certified as analytic services so that your radon report is provided the next business day.
Make sure that all parties are aware of testing procedures before starting a radon measurement in the home. The home will need to be in "closed house" conditions 12 hours before testing.
For more information visit: https://www.epa.gov/radon
A notice should be placed at the home and removed once the testing is complete.